The greatest fear of many professionals using social media is making a mistake in a very public way.  The hashtag #HasJustineLandedYet comes to mind, and if you haven't heard about Justine Sacco's twitterstorm earlier this year, you owe it to yourself to read this synopsis.  While most of us are not that clueless, we do fear being called out for a tweet or a facebook post. 

AuthorMarc Moorghen

I'm in the middle of revising and fine-tuning strategy at work and I'm learning all about strategic communication at school, so I thought this might be an opportune time to talk about the essentials of strategy.  Whatever business you are in, I'm sure you agree that things generally go better when you have a plan.  Living in the moment is all good and well, but it doesn't really work for an organization as well as a person.

AuthorMarc Moorghen

I wrote my first blog in 2003 as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends spread around the world.  I had just arrived in California after spending three years in Japan, and I felt dislocated and homesick.  The blog helped me work through some of these emotions and allowed me to share photos, stories and news.  Although I kept it going for a few years, eventually my output petered out and months would pass by without an update. 

AuthorMarc Moorghen